No, they did not pay me to say that. It is just a wonderful product.
I was playing my first round with the CaddyTrek at the Red course of Fairchild Wheeler in Fairfield, CT. The first, ninth, tenth and eighteenth holes have slopes that are well in excess of the 25 degrees the CaddyTrek can handle in follow-me mode so I used the remote for #1. No difficulties with that and used the follow-me for the next next seven holes. Of course, I played like hell on the front 9 because I was too busy playing with my new toy 🙂 I had finally gotten used to how to use the follow-me mode somewhere around the 6th or 7th hole.On 9 I had to use the remote as the hill is 35 to 40 degrees (literally) down and then up. On 10, same story except that part of 10 is steeper — Yes, I had to (have to) use the remote and hold onto the CaddyTrek going up that slope but, even most of the drive carts cannot go up that without going to the paved path so no big deal. After 10 I was thinking that I could have just gotten one of the remote only ones and saved some money — HOWEVER, you have to think about where the cart is going with the remote mode. From there until 18 the course is mostly gently sloping with one or two steep but short spots depending upon which parts of the fairway you hit the ball to on the tee shots. So, at the 11th tee I put it in follow-me mode. Walked to the ball and the clubs were right behind me with no thinking about it or concern at all for all of the next shots. At the 12th green I parked the cart at the close end of the green because the pin was in the back and there is a large bunker along the side of the green. Just made my birdie and was happy as I walked off the back of the green with the large bunker between me and the CaddyTrek. So, I took the remote off my belt and used it in remote mode to send the cart the 13th tee. Of course, you have to watch it and think about where it is going in remote mode whereas you do not have to think about it in follow-me mode. On the way I thought. Gee, what a bother. Why can they not make it so it automatically avoids the bunker and follows me from 50 yards away like it does from 15. A few seconds after I thought that I realized that within the last two holes of follow-me mode I was absolutely spoiled for life!! and started to laugh so hard that the other 3 guys thought I was going nuts.I have had it since last August. Already played a bunch of times this year (now May) and it is great. Never realized how much pulling or pushing a cart bothered my game and took my attention until using the CaddyTrek.Great product. Unless you are a bit slow it takes just 9 holes to get used to how it works. You stop at your ball, turn around and your clubs are right there. Play a few rounds with one to get used to how it follows you and you too will be spoiled for life. No, they did not pay me to say that. It is just a wonderful product.